Meaning of biting the bullet
Meaning of biting the bullet

meaning of biting the bullet
  1. Meaning of biting the bullet pdf#
  2. Meaning of biting the bullet skin#

“This new cheese grater is the best thing since sliced bread!”ġ8. The best thing since sliced bread – amazing. “I’ll be there come rain or shine, you can count on me.”ġ7. Come rain or shine – whatever the circumstances. “This sort of event happens once in a blue moon and I’m not going to miss the boat on tickets.”ġ6. “We’ve stuck together through thick and thin and we’re not going to break up now.”ġ5. Through thick and thin – under any circumstance, no matter how hard. “I’m still on the fence about who to vote for in the election.”ġ4. “It’s mum’s 50th birthday so I’m going to really push the boat out this year.”ġ3.

meaning of biting the bullet

Push the boat out – to do something special or extravagant. “Today was exhausting, I’m ready to hit the sack.”ġ2. If you’re ready for some more, here are another 10 idioms with examples:ġ1.

Meaning of biting the bullet skin#

“The team won that game by the skin of their teeth.” By the skin of your teeth – only just achieved something.

meaning of biting the bullet

“I wanted to go to the concert but I missed the boat and now the tickets are sold out.”ġ0. Missed the boat – to miss an opportunity. “Juan doesn’t half beat around the bush, he never just makes a quick point.”ĩ. Beat around the bush – to not get to the point. “James and Stuart are always arguing, they never see eye to eye on anything.”Ĩ. “Director 1: We need this launch to work or the business will fail. You can say that again – to agree on the trueness of something (usually just heard). “I’d take those numbers with a pinch of salt though, you know polls are not always accurate.”Ħ. Take it with a pinch of salt – to not believe it fully. “No, there’s no way I’ve won the lottery, you’re pulling my leg”.ĥ. You’re pulling my leg – to play a joke on someone or to suggest someone is playing a joke on you. “Come on Sally, spill the beans, did you two kiss or what?!”Ĥ. “I’ve already given a counter offer, the ball’s in your court now”.ģ. The ball is in your court – to say the next action is with you. “I’m not coming to work today, I’m feeling a little under the weather”.Ģ.

Meaning of biting the bullet pdf#

The 10 idioms you should know – Get the English Idioms PDF Hereġ. In this case, the idiom was created to avoid the superstition of giving bad luck to an actor. In other examples, the origin of the phrase was deliberately figurative – such as ‘break a leg’. ‘Bite the bullet’ remains a popular phrase and is now used in a broader range of circumstances than its archaic origins.

meaning of biting the bullet

bite the bullet – but which may be a more unusual or unlikely circumstance today. Often, idioms originate from an original, literal phrase related to a common circumstance – e.g. Some idioms remain close to the literal meaning of the phrase, but become a commonly used expression in a certain circumstance. An idiom’s meaning is not necessarily linked to the words contained in the phrase, but rather, due to its common use over time, has taken on its own meaning as a stand-alone phrase. Īdvanced answer: An idiom is a phrase or expression using figurative language. the literal meaning of the words in the phrase is not the same as the phrase as a whole. Simple answer: What is an idiom? An idiom is a phrase or expression where the meaning of the phrase is not apparent from the words in the phrase.

Meaning of biting the bullet